How to set a pricing strategy: 7 pricing models, explained | Zapier (2024)

I started my business, Norm's Computer Services, because I loved doing what I do, and I knew people would benefit from my services. The problem was: I had no idea how much they'd be willing to pay for them.

For your business to be sustainable, you'll need a pricing strategy that generates adequate income for you while also being attractive to clients and customers. I spent a lot of time making sure my pricing strategy worked, and it's sustained me for nearly five years. Here's how I'd recommend creating your pricing strategy so you can hit the ground running.

How to set a pricing strategy: 7 pricing models, explained | Zapier (1)

What is a pricing strategy?

A pricing strategy is a plan for setting the best price for your products or services. The goal is to set a price that will entice customers to buy, but that isn't so low that you're not making a profit.

Sure, you could just trial-and-error a bunch of prices until you find the price that maximizes profit without deterring potential customers—and there will probably still be some of that even after you choose a pricing strategy for your business. But you'll spend a lot less time and money starting with a pricing analysis than you will taking a complete shot in the dark.

Factors to consider when pricing a product

You likely know off the bat that you'll need to consider your own business costs and competitor prices so that you can find a price that earns a profit but isn't so high that it drives potential customers to other businesses with better deals. But unfortunately, it's not that simple: there are a lot of factors you'll need to consider in order to determine the best pricing strategy for you.


I know I just said cost wasn't the only factor to consider, but it is the most important one to start with. If your prices aren't higher than your costs, you'll be out of business before you even get your company off the ground.

When calculating costs, make sure you include:

  • Product materials

  • Employee wages (that includes what you pay yourself!)

  • Overhead costs (rent, insurance, utilities, taxes, etc.)

  • Software and services for things like accounting, marketing, and legal

  • Shipping and transportation

Economic factors

When costs change, your prices will have to change in order to stay competitive and keep making a profit. Businesses that rely directly on commodities as supplies—so things like lumber, oil, and metals—will be most vulnerable to economic fluctuations, but all industries are affected in some way or another by global, political, and social changes.

Figure out what economic conditions are good for your business and what events could affect your supply and demand. Learn what to keep an eye on in the news so that you can plan ahead for spiked supply costs or dips in demand. Businesses in volatile industries will need to build a survival cushion into their profit margins to make sure they have enough funds to stay in business during slow periods.

Competitor pricing

I clearly remember something my then-CEO asked me when I was in the early stages of planning the launch of my own business. He said, "What's your point of difference?" In other words, in a crowded marketplace, how are you going to stand out?

Your prices don't always need to be lower than your competitors', but if they are higher, you need to be able to justify it with added quality. Your products don't always need to be quality, but if they're low-quality, you'll need to be able to justify it with lower prices. Where you fall on either side of this trade-off determines your value position, which we'll discuss in a bit. But no matter how you decide to position your product, you'll need to stay up-to-date on what your competitors charge, pricing trends in your industry, and what pricing models work best for your market.

It's usually not difficult to find out what your competitors charge—either by visiting their websites or by calling them to ask. As you gather this information, keep a spreadsheet where you can record prices and note things like introductory offers, loyalty programs, and discounts.


It's a common misconception that businesses have to sell good-quality products to be successful. There are buyers at every price and quality level; what matters is how your product quality and price are positioned with respect to each other.

One of the easiest industries for demonstrating this concept is the airline industry, because there's no way to mistake the difference between a high- and low-quality purchase when there's a literal curtain dividing them. Normally, price and quality will align with one another. First-class tickets offer high quality at a high price, economy tickets offer low quality at a low price, and everyone else gets piled into coach.

Value prices occur when quality is higher than price—when you fly during off-peak times or get upgraded to first class for free. When demand is high and seats are limited, the airlines can afford to charge higher prices for lower-quality seats, counting on the fact that you'll pay full price for a terrible seat if it's your only option.

How to set a pricing strategy: 7 pricing models, explained | Zapier (2)

When you apply this to your own pricing, ask yourself what kind of value your product or service offers. Are you solving an urgent problem, or is your product more for comfort and enjoyment? If you sell a first-class product, you'll lose money by selling it at economy prices. If you sell an economy product, you'll need to sell it for a bargain price.

7 common pricing methods

Your core pricing strategy has to do with what you're selling: a luxury, a bargain, or just a good product for a good price. Once you have that figured out, you'll move on to choosing a pricing method, which is the how of your pricing strategy.

Pricing methods are sort of like plays in a playbook. Your product is probably not going to switch from being a luxury to a bargain and back again, but you can (and, in some cases, should) switch up the pricing method you're using to better meet your market demands.

Here, we'll look at seven of the most common pricing methods, plus how and when to use them.

Value-based pricing

The first pricing method is probably the one you're most familiar with: value-based pricing. You might think of it as the "default" pricing method, since it consists of finding what the customer is willing to pay (the WTP price), making sure it's higher than the cost of production, and setting your price somewhere in between.

If the business needs to raise prices for whatever reason, it can do so as long as the new price is still within the WTP range. If it's not, the business has to find a way to increase that range—usually by adding value that will increase the amount the customer is willing to spend in exchange.

Cost-plus pricing

A very similar method to value-based pricing is cost-plus pricing. Instead of basing prices on what the customer is willing to pay, businesses set prices by determining the cost of production and their ideal profit margin. For example, if a product costs $100 to make and a company's target margin is 15%, then the product will sell for $115.

Cost-plus prices still need to fall within the WTP range, but they're not chosen based specifically on what the customer is willing to pay. If the cost-plus price falls outside the WTP range, the company either needs to adjust its target margin or find a way to lower production costs.

Competitive pricing

Another very recognizable pricing method is the competitive pricing model, in which a business sets prices based on what competitors are charging for comparable products. If your product offers something your competitors don't, you don't always need to set prices competitively. But if you're selling a bargain product, you need to be able to beat the competition.

When I formulated my own pricing model, I decided that I would want to be considered competitive, but not cheap. That meant that my pricing was on par with my peers but that I avoided the use of any terminology such as "budget," "cheap," or "cheapest" in my marketing.

One of the things I tried early on was to offer the first 15 minutes of work free of charge. This meant that if I solved the issue within that first quarter of an hour, the job would have been completely free—but I don't recall any occasion when this actually happened.

In fact, clients told me they'd want to pay even if I had solved the issue in under 15 minutes, because they didn't feel good about paying nothing for a service that involved someone coming to their home. It was an attractive offer that increased my competitive edge without impacting my bottom line.

Economy pricing

Similar to competitive pricing, economy pricing involves setting the lowest prices among your competitors to attract bargain buyers. But unlike competitive pricing, economy pricing specifically targets people who will consciously sacrifice quality in exchange for a cheaper price. Knowing this, you can source cheaper supplies, eliminate extra features, and make other changes to lower your production costs so that you can offer extremely low prices while continuing to make a profit.

The fast fashion industry is infamous for its reliance on economy pricing. Clothes are created quickly using cheap (and often ethically questionable) labor, and they wear out quickly. This allows stores to sell highly trend-conscious clothing, since customers need to replace their clothes more frequently. Unfortunately, it also causes major environmental damage—and usually doesn't even save customers money compared to buying more expensive but longer-lasting clothing.

Penetration pricing

As a new business, you may find that you need to set your prices toward the lower end of the spectrum. Penetration pricing is when a business sets the price of a product or service low at the beginning, then raises the price once the company is more established.

Businesses that provide a service can draw customers in with low pricing, then win their loyalty with great service. Introductory offers can be a great way to entice new clients or customers. For example, you could offer a fixed price or percentage off the first job, or a portion of free labor. At least one of my competitors offers a 10% reduction on the labor charge for returning customers. In my view, a better approach to customer retention is to offer them that 10% off the first job—and then do such good work for them that they won't mind being charged the full price for subsequent jobs.

Dynamic pricing

Have you ever pulled out your phone intending to grab a rideshare on a busy weekend night or (I wince just thinking about it) a holiday? Those jaw-dropping price surges are the result of what's called dynamic pricing, or pricing that changes fluidly according to availability and demand.

Truly dynamic pricing requires an algorithm that can automatically adjust prices according to purchasing activity. Uber's CEO isn't sitting behind a Wizard of Oz curtain declaring price surges; the app automatically increases prices when demand is higher than the number of drivers on the road. A less immediate version of dynamic pricing can be seen at the gas pump, where prices change frequently in response to demand but aren't automatic (in some states, like New Jersey, they can't change more than once per day).

For small businesses, dynamic pricing works best with services or custom products that require a price quote, since customers expect prices to be different depending on the project and circ*mstances. If your prices are listed on your site and you change them constantly, you'll drive away potential customers who perceive you as unpredictable or unreliable.

Price skimming

Price skimming is the opposite of penetration pricing, where you start by setting the maximum price and gradually lower it over time. This strategy works best with products that have major releases, like laptops or cars. By price skimming, you'll be able to capture early buyers willing to pay top dollar for the latest and greatest; then, as you gradually lower the price, you'll be able to sell the maximum number of products at each price before dropping it again.

One of the most well-known price skimmers is Apple, which has made its product launches into full events with tickets and fans to build as much hype as humanly possible. Mega-fans buy the newly unveiled products the moment they're available, even waiting in lines overnight outside Apple Stores to do so. As each new product is released, the older models get shunted down the pricing ladder to capture buyers with lower WTP points.

How to set a pricing strategy: 7 pricing models, explained | Zapier (3)

As you start off in business, it's important to remember that you can change your pricing strategy as you go along. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so it's more about building a client base of satisfied customers who will come back to you again and again than it is to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible.

And the good news is that you don't have to get everything right from the very beginning. You can try different approaches and make adjustments as you go until you're achieving the outcomes you want. Eventually, you'll settle into a groove that works for you.

This was a guest post from Norm McLaughlin, founder of Norm's Computer Services. Want to see your work on the Zapier blog? Check out our guidelines and get in touch.

This article was originally published in December 2020 and has since been updated.

How to set a pricing strategy: 7 pricing models, explained | Zapier (2024)


How to set a pricing strategy: 7 pricing models, explained | Zapier? ›

Value pricing

Value pricing is perhaps the most important pricing strategy of all. This takes into account how beneficial, high-quality, and important your customers believe your products or services to be.

How do you create a pricing strategy? ›

The following steps can help you through the process of pricing your products.
  1. Calculate your costs. ...
  2. Determine your pricing objectives. ...
  3. Determine your pricing strategy. ...
  4. Legislation and regulations. ...
  5. Research.

What pricing strategy is the most effectively explain your answer? ›

Value pricing

Value pricing is perhaps the most important pricing strategy of all. This takes into account how beneficial, high-quality, and important your customers believe your products or services to be.

How do you explain pricing strategy? ›

Pricing strategies are the methods and procedures companies employ to determine the rates they charge for their goods and services. Pricing is the amount you charge for your items; pricing strategy is how you calculate that number. Pricing strategy can encompass anything from: The state of the market.

What are the seven C's of pricing? ›

It is a complex and difficult decision that cannot be made in isolation but needs to take into consideration all related factors – International Customers, Costs, Competitors, Culture, Channels, Currency & Comparability – the 7 C's of International Pricing discussed above.

What is pricing strategy structure? ›

A price structure is how a company decides how much to charge for goods or services. The structure might include a core level price for the company's products. The strategy might also incorporate discounts, sale prices and tiered pricing for different product levels.

What are the key elements of pricing strategy? ›

The key elements include assessing your company's foreign market objectives, product-related costs, market demand, and competition. Other factors to consider are transportation, taxes and duties, sales commissions, insurance, and financing.

What is an example of a one price strategy? ›

Under a single price policy, the company offers all its goods at one price. For example, it sells its pens, rulers, notebooks, and highlighters for $3 each. In other words, everything in stock costs the same. Under a one price policy, the seller shows no discrimination.

What is pricing and example? ›

Pricing is the act of determining the value of a product or service. Pricing determines the cost paid by a customer, but it may or may not be tied to the cost paid by the business to produce the product or service. Price and cost are relative—one entity's price may be another's cost.

How do you determine the price of a product? ›

  1. Add up variable costs per product. Variable costs are directly tied to the product. ...
  2. Add in your profit margin. ...
  3. Factor in fixed costs. ...
  4. Test and adjust accordingly. ...
  5. Understand common pricing strategies in your industry. ...
  6. Conduct market research. ...
  7. Experiment with pricing. ...
  8. Focus on long-term business profit.
Apr 21, 2023

How do companies set prices? ›

Instead of basing prices on what the customer is willing to pay, businesses set prices by determining the cost of production and their ideal profit margin. For example, if a product costs $100 to make and a company's target margin is 15%, then the product will sell for $115.

Why is pricing so important? ›

The importance of pricing

Pricing is important since it defines the value that your product are worth for you to make and for your customers to use. It is the tangible price point to let customers know whether it is worth their time and investment.

What is a pricing model in business? ›

Pricing modeling refers to the methods you can use to determine the right price for your products. Price models take into consideration factors such as cost of producing an item, the customer's perception of its value and type of product—for example, retail goods compared to services.

What is pricing in the 7 functions of marketing? ›

Pricing involves setting the price for a product or a service to maximize the profit, keeping in view the consumers' perception of the value, production price and the competitors' pricing. This is the toughest of the seven marketing functions since it involves an extensive understanding of the market.

What is Rule 7 in marketing? ›

What is the rule of 7? The rule of 7 is based on the marketing principle thatcustomers need to see your brand at least 7 times before they commit to a purchase decision. This concept has been aroundsince the 1930swhen movie studios first coined the approach.

Which pricing strategy ends in 7? ›

Let's start with Myth 1: Prices ending in 7 (E.g. $97 or $99 instead of $100) Back in the 70's or 80's, a marketer called Ted Nicholas is said to have suggested that prices ending with the number 7, do better than other ending digits. This means that, theoretically speaking, you'd sell more at $9.97 than $9.99.

What are the 5 pillars of pricing? ›

The five pillars are value creation, price structure, value communication, discount policy and pricing execution (see Figure 1).
  • Pillar 1: Value creation.
  • Pillar 2: Price structure.
  • Pricing execution. Value based pricing strategy.
  • Value creation.
  • Price structure.
  • Value. communication.
  • Discount policy.
  • Pricing execution.

What factors influence pricing strategy? ›

Top Factors Influencing Pricing Strategy in Today's Economy (And What to Do About Them)
  • Declining Demand. ...
  • Supply Chain Disruptions and Inflation. ...
  • Reevaluation of Existing Business Relationships. ...
  • “Hardship” Price Reduction Requests. ...
  • Increased Awareness of the Competition. ...
  • Demand for a Great UX.
Mar 27, 2023

What is lowest price strategy? ›

A pricing strategy in which a company offers a relatively low price to stimulate demand and gain market share.

What are three of the basic pricing strategies and what are examples? ›

The three most common pricing strategies are:
  • Value based pricing - Price based on it's perceived worth.
  • Competitor based pricing - Price based on competitors pricing.
  • Cost plus pricing - Price based on cost of goods or services plus a markup.
Dec 12, 2022

What is a high low pricing strategy? ›

A high-low pricing strategy is a common retail pricing strategy where a product (or service, in some cases) is introduced at a higher price point, and then gradually discounted and marked down as demand decreases.

What are the four basic pricing? ›

What are the 4 major pricing strategies? Value-based, competition-based, cost-plus, and dynamic pricing are all models that are used frequently, depending on the industry and business model in question.

Which of the following are commonly used pricing strategies? ›

The 5 most common pricing strategies
  • Cost-plus pricing. Calculate your costs and add a mark-up.
  • Competitive pricing. Set a price based on what the competition charges.
  • Price skimming. Set a high price and lower it as the market evolves.
  • Penetration pricing. ...
  • Value-based pricing.

What are the 6 types of pricing? ›

To help you make the right choice, below I've listed six pricing strategies in marketing to consider for your small business.
  • Price skimming. Best for: Businesses introducing brand new products or services. ...
  • Penetration pricing. ...
  • Competitive pricing. ...
  • Charm pricing. ...
  • Prestige pricing. ...
  • Loss-leader pricing.
May 27, 2021

What is the first step in determining price? ›

The first step in setting a price is always to discover your baseline pricing. This means the amount you need to charge to recoup your development costs and break even on each sale. From there, you can use several strategies to arrive at the correct pricing for your product.

How do you price items to make profit? ›

How to Price Your Products to Turn a Profit
  1. Factor in variable costs. ...
  2. Consider your fixed costs. ...
  3. Use a product pricing calculator. ...
  4. Scope out your competition. ...
  5. Identify your target profit margin to set a price. ...
  6. Observe your sales data and adjust as needed. ...
  7. Plan for promotions.

How much profit should you make on a product? ›

But in general, a healthy profit margin for a small business tends to range anywhere between 7% to 10%. Keep in mind, though, that certain businesses may see lower margins, such as retail or food-related companies.

What controls prices? ›

Price controls are government regulations on wages or prices or their rates of change. Governments can impose such regulations on a broad range of goods and services or, more commonly, on a market for a single good.

What determines price setting? ›

At this point, supply and demand are in balance. Price determination depends equally on demand and supply.

How do you price used items? ›

50-30-10 RULE: Near-to-new items should be sold for 50 percent of their retail price; slightly used items at 25-30 percent of retail; and well-worn items at 10 percent of retail.

Who sets prices? ›

In a competitive market, sellers compete against other suppliers to sell their products and buyers bid against other buyers to obtain the product. This competition of sellers against sellers and buyers against buyers determines the price of the product. It's called supply and demand.

How are pricing decisions made? ›

Companies that make simple pricing decisions often try to increase sales by making small, competitive adjustments such as purchase discounts, volume discounts and purchase allowances. Complex pricing is based on the originality of a product or service and what customers are willing to pay for it.

What is the process of pricing? ›

Pricing is the process by which organizations determine the price of the products and services it sells. This is the price that the consumer ultimately pays. It is influenced by many factors, including: Manufacturing or production costs.

What is the difference between pricing model and pricing strategy? ›

Your billing model determines how you charge for your product, while your pricing strategy dictates how much you charge.

What are the pricing policies? ›

A pricing policy is a company's approach to determining the price at which it offers a good or service to the market.

What is pricing model risk? ›

In pricing models, model risk is defined as “the risk arising from the use of a model which cannot accurately evaluate market prices, or which is not a mainstream model in the market.” In risk measure- ment models, model risk is defined as “the risk of not accurately estimating the prob- ability of future losses.” ...

What are the 3 C's in business? ›

The 3 Cs of Brand Development: Customer, Company, and Competitors. There is only a handful of useful texts on strategy. Any MBA student will be familiar with these: Competitive Advantage and Competitive Strategy by Michael Porter.

Why must the 7 marketing functions work together? ›

The seven marketing functions are important for understanding the purpose of marketing strategies, processes and tools. These functions work cohesively to help professionals develop consistent marketing strategies for several types of brands and organizations.

What are the 7 stages in the new product development process? ›

7 key stages of the product development lifecycle
  • Step 1: Ideation. Ideation is the first stage of the product development life cycle. ...
  • Step 2: Validation. ...
  • Step 3: Prototyping. ...
  • Step 4: Marketing. ...
  • Step 5: Development. ...
  • Step 6: Launch. ...
  • Step 7: Improvement.
Feb 8, 2023

What is the 7 11 4 rule? ›

Research by Google suggests that a buyer needs 7 hours of interaction, across 11 touch points, in 4 separate locations before they make a purchase.

What is the 7 touch method? ›

It is a basic marketing principle that it takes seven “touches” before someone will internalize and/or act upon your call to action. These touches can take many forms: A physical connection, such as meeting at a networking event.

What is the 7 11 4 rule in marketing? ›

This is a vital preliminary stage where the customer educates themselves about their purchase. It is at this stage that Google suggests that the client needs 7 hours of interaction across 11 touch points in 4 seperate locations before they make a purchase.

Why do people price things ending in 7? ›

Pricing that doesn't end in 9 also tells our minds a story. If a price ends in 4 or 7, for example, it's likely to stand out because it doesn't end in 9. And it subliminally suggests the seller has seriously considered the price.

What is the best number to end a price with? ›

Price your products with the rightmost digit ending in 9. Any other number will not work as well. (There is a gap in the research as to why a price ending with a number other than 9– for example $19.80 or $19.50– would not be as favourable an effect as a price ending in 9.)

What are the 4 pricing strategies? ›

What are the 4 major pricing strategies? Value-based, competition-based, cost-plus, and dynamic pricing are all models that are used frequently, depending on the industry and business model in question.

What are the four 4 pricing strategies? ›

These are the four basic strategies, variations of which are used in the industry. Apart from the four basic pricing strategies -- premium, skimming, economy or value and penetration -- there can be several other va... A product is the item offered for sale.

What 3 strategies are used for pricing products? ›

3 Major Pricing Strategies: A Short Guide
  • Cost-Based Pricing.
  • Value-Based Pricing.
  • Competition-Based Pricing.
Sep 19, 2017

What is the pricing model? ›

What is pricing modeling? Pricing modeling refers to the methods you can use to determine the right price for your products. Price models take into consideration factors such as cost of producing an item, the customer's perception of its value and type of product—for example, retail goods compared to services.

What are the five 5 types of product mix pricing strategies? ›

Captive product pricing – complementary products. Product line pricing – the products in the product line. Product bundle pricing – several products. Optional product pricing – optional or accessory products.

How do you determine price? ›

What factors should be considered when pricing a product?
  1. The total costs of running your business including fixed and variable costs.
  2. Competitors' pricing.
  3. Market demand.
  4. Target customers spending power.
  5. The value of your product.
Oct 10, 2022

What are the 7 steps of the pricing framework process? ›

  • Set pricing objectives. ...
  • Estimate demand. ...
  • Determine costs. ...
  • Analyze factors affecting pricing decision. ...
  • Determine pricing strategies and pricing policies for making price adjustments. ...
  • Set initial prices. ...
  • Offer and make price adjustments as needed.

What is an example of a pricing strategy? ›

For example, let's say you sold shoes. The shoes cost $25 to make, and you want to make a $25 profit on each sale. You'd set a price of $50, which is a markup of 100%. Cost-plus pricing is typically used by retailers who sell physical products.

What are the 4 main factors that influence a business pricing strategy? ›

Top Factors Influencing Pricing Strategy in Today's Economy (And What to Do About Them)
  • Declining Demand. ...
  • Supply Chain Disruptions and Inflation. ...
  • Reevaluation of Existing Business Relationships. ...
  • “Hardship” Price Reduction Requests. ...
  • Increased Awareness of the Competition. ...
  • Demand for a Great UX.
Mar 27, 2023

What are the four factors of pricing? ›

Four Major Market Factors That Affect Price
  • Costs and Expenses.
  • Supply and Demand.
  • Consumer Perceptions.
  • Competition.

What are the 3 C's of pricing? ›

The 3 C's of Pricing Strategy

Setting prices for your brand depends on three factors: your cost to offer the product to consumers, competitors' products and pricing, and the perceived value that consumers place on your brand and product vis-a-vis the cost.

What are four common pricing objectives? ›

Tip. The four types of pricing objectives include profit-oriented pricing, competitor-based pricing, market penetration and skimming.

What 3 factors most commonly influence pricing strategy? ›

Three important factors are whether the buyers perceive the product offers value, how many buyers there are, and how sensitive they are to changes in price.


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